I am so happy that I am literate. Not only does it open up thousands of doors of communication and knowledge and preservation, but when I hold a pen, my clever hand takes charge over my problems. Once tangled and overwhelming, the stresses, questions and confusions now shrink back and fall into Roman formation along the lines of my page. Solutions, though not always easy, shyly present themselves in the course of my scripting. I write to ease my mind, to figure things out.
Even when I am assigned to write a paper, I (as I'm sure my professors intended) am forced to think through the issues and present a logical conclusion, even if sometimes I do so rather grudgingly. I enjoy writing, but aside from my personal journal, it is very difficult for me. When I write in my journal, I just take down the thoughts as they come. But when I write for my teachers, I must have focus and direction. For this reason, I usually have to rewrite my papers at least twice, and most paragraphs three or four times before I'm even close to being satisfied.
This blog is not an online personal journal (that would be stupid), and although it began as a class assignment, only the first few posts were grudgingly written. Since then, I have used this blog to figure things out. Not private issues, but questions about life. I see the puzzle of the universe scattered into a trillion tiny pieces, and when I find one, I sit down at my computer, describe it, and try to put it in its place. I will never be able to finish the puzzle, but even completing a small section has its rewards. Seeking truth is a worthy task, and truth, once found, should not be hidden, but set as a light on a hill, for all to see.
Sometimes I think the reason it is so difficult for me to write papers for my professors is the fear of their red pens. Not for grammatical reasons. I do well enough with grammar (yes I do realize the previous sentence was not complete, but I take certain liberties in my blog posts). No, I fear their red pens because many times I am uncertain if what I am saying is the truth, even if I came to the conclusion in a logical manner. I fear they know the truth and will expose me for the fool I am.
So it is with this blog. It is public not for attention, but so it may be tested. I write about the mysteries of the universe, and I believe what I write. Sadly, it is easy to lie to yourself, but I work hard to avoid making heretical statements to all of humanity. Therefore, if there is any falsehood about what I believe, if my logic is faulty, I want it to be corrected. Above the pride of believing I have something important to say, I want to hold pieces of truth in my hand. I want to tenderly fix them into my worldview. So, during my college years, as my beliefs are tested, stresses mound up, and troubles bombard my steps, I write. I blog. I organize my thoughts, find solutions, and moll them over in my head for days as I try to find logical ways of expressing my discoveries and renewed understandings of the truth.